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YWednesday, January 20, 2010' 9:58 AM

juz the start of 2010 and things changed AGAIN. I hate those hurtful words u use time and again. I hate criticism. I hate the coldness. When time and again I hear all sorts of things about u, but i chose to stand by you each and every time. I guess i had enough.

No words can describe how i feel. I am going to be selfish frm now on. I have had enough, An eye for an eye, im not gonna remain silent anymore. Juz as wat ap and dar dar say, ignore all those unhappy things, people can say whatever they wan, and i need to draw a clear line from now on. I wan to put on that smile again.

2010 start and im able to visualize alot of things. Come to realise that some things are not meant to be. It does not mean that u are good to that someone, people would reciproate. The world is evil. and im not gonna leave in my small little imaginary world anymore. I guess friends ard mi would support mi fully. :D

Tonite is dardar bday celebration. Gonna drink, drank drunk again. . Hope that she can be sober enuff to go home. haha... Wish u good luck, dar. See ya tonite..

**Ps: To you- What comes around goes around.

YThursday, January 14, 2010' 9:07 AM

Had a great day on tue. After work dinner wif Stacie at Far East thereafter went down to HOS. Reach like 10 plus and drunk at 12!! WTF. Vv happy that my 2 lovely gfs made it. AP and Christine, one my bestest polymate, the other my bestest friend since 9 yrs ago... hurhur. not forgeting ppl of Yangwei, bc kor and jm. thanks all for making that day so lovely.

my lovelies

beautiful AP

Pretty Chrsitine

Jm and Mi

1 and a half blt Martell. Dunno how many seconds at the strike of 12am and bye bye to mi. haha

he is super cute la.

went over to Rachada after that, wanted to support Zylia but her last set was at 2am, sorry ppl make u guys gg all the way there.

went for Dinner wif Stacie and family at the Cha Chan Ting at Bugis. got a free GIANT milk tea, its super HUGE i swear.

Nv bluff rite??? Superb la. i tink its only available to bday babies ba. :D

we nidda stand abit in order to drink frm the straw lo.

Kx and Stacie

A Huge Buckle wif a Long Straw

My bday pressie from my dardar(carol), she spent few days non stop working on this. Love her..

Other pressies that i receive, 2 beautiful dresses from Joycie, a bath set from Stacie and A lovely hair clip from Christine. Thanks all.. MUACKZ... hahaha

YMonday, January 11, 2010' 10:39 AM

Its a brand new Monday. Had an enjoyable and memorable weekend. Friday drinking party at HOS for Serene's bday. Kinda drunk that day but still manage to drive home. :D Din proceed on wif the peeps to Neverland coz sat morning still gotta wake up early to accompany dearie to ICA. Lucky nv gg, heard gt trouble again, dun really like such scenes. hee.

Sat woke up damn early accompany dearie gg ICA den home to slp, thereafter accompany him gg train. Awhile nia den proceed to HOS for the lucky draw. Once reach, gotten 2 lovely pressie from my 2 ladies, joyce and dardar(carol). 2 dresses from joyce and a handmade cross-stitch from my dar. vv long nv receive pressies liao. hehe... kana asked up the stage, super ps lo.. dun really like to so "open face" de... dearie was up there wif mi, he helped mi to ta 10 secs coz i was driving.. drink, drank, drunk that day. Thanks to all the lovely ppl who attended. I will let the pics do the talking.

she made it all possible.

the lovely ladies..

the beautiful (ahemmm) bday girl... :D

our lucky coupons that nite.

ball started rolling

dearie's 10 sec

our 10 sec

my ps-est 10 sec

i tink he is quite handsome la, onli his girlie dressing makes him abit disgusting

he's a good friend

hate drunkness, lucky this yr protected, nv kana carry back home... heee...

stayed home the whole day yesterday, chasing the HK serial 珠光寶氣, kana slow la, but its nice la.. hahhaa. going back to work le, hell loads of things to do..

Counting down - 2 days to my big day, and 11 days to HKKKKK!!!!

YTuesday, January 5, 2010' 8:53 AM

as mentioned, my Swissotel the Stamford stay on Xmas Day wif my dearest. Will let the pics do the talking.

the doorway

our Room

notice sth different wif my eyes?? got a new pair of brown lens

the night view

Dinner at one of the Jap restaurant at Raffles City, forgot the name. Food was good.

my baobei

More Cam Whoring at the Balcony

the morning view.. Nice rite? The 2 swimming pools shared by Swissotel and Fairmount

Us, feeling refreshed!

YTuesday, December 29, 2009' 9:59 AM

its the end of the yr again.. many things happened this year that made mi grow stronger emotionally. Gotta noe 2 pretty mummies whom haf taught mi and showed mi what life and relationships are, they haf come strong from the many obstacles they haf gone thru. Thank you both so much for listening to mi, comforting mi in every way u could. I love you babes. I have also learned not to take things so strongly already. What is yours its yours. Do unto others wat u wan others to do to u.

had a great xmas celebration wif the brothers and sisters at HOS. all drink till ki siao.. Muz of us were either half drunk or totally drunk that day. Enjoyed myself vv much. I hope this new yr's eve would be the same as well.. was out shopping in the evening time wif stacie at orchard b4 HOS. Had dinner at Sushi Tei, superb and was able to statify my cravings for sushi.. hehe... walked ard town and bought pressies for my few sweethearts. Keychain for mummy, perfume for baobei, OPI care for xing, keychain for joycie, box of lolipops for min. Stacie's pressie still pending.. :D

Looking forward to new yr's eve cele, work till 1pm, guess would be dinner wif the pals b4 our drink, drank, drunk session. (hope some ppl would auto abit). Will continue wif my xmas day treat from bei in my next post.. Pics can be seen at my Fb. lazy to upload here. hee.

HAPPY 2010 PPL!!!!

my new yr resolution for 2010 is to be happy and save alot alot of $$. Nt young liao, muz start planning for future.. haha...

Th' LadyY

Flashing Photo Generator

A Simple Girl.
Love being dote by Bei
Loves my family
Loves my friends

My WiStLiStY

To SaVe AlOt $$
A gUCcI sLiNg BaG
eUrOpE HoLiDaY
mY xIaObAi To HaF a NeW rOoF wRaP
mOrE cLoThEs
Go To NiGhT sAfARi/ZoO
NeW eNviRoNmEnT
